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Press Release

Press release No. 276 of 17 July 2024 Stock of orders in manufacturing in May 2024: -0.4% on the previous month

The real (price adjusted) stock of orders in manufacturing was down 0.4% in May 2024 month on month after seasonal and calendar adjustment, according to provisional figures of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). The calendar adjusted stock of …

Press Release

Press release No. 274 of 17 July 2024 Fertility rate down to 1.35 children per woman in 2023

692,989 babies were born in Germany in 2023. This represented a drop of 45,830, or 6%, compared with 2022 (738,819 newborns). 2013 was the last year in which fewer children (682,069) were born in Germany than in 2023. The Federal Statistical Office (

Press Release

Press release No. 272 of 12 July 2024 Wholesale prices in June 2024: -0.6% on June 2023

In June 2024, the selling prices in wholesale trade were 0.6% lower than in June 2023. The year-on-year rate of change was -0.7% in May 2024, and -1.8% in April 2024. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that wholesale prices in …

Press Release

Press release No. 266 of 11 July 2024 Inflation rate at +2.2% in June 2024

The inflation rate in Germany, measured as the year-on-year change in the consumer price index (CPI), stood at +2.2% in June 2024. In May 2024, the rate of change was +2.4%, and +2.2% in both April and March 2024. “Energy and food prices have had a …

Press Release

Press release No. 264 of 9 July 2024 Mortality figures in June 2024 around the median of the previous years

77,812 people died in Germany in June 2024, according to extrapolated figures of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). This corresponds roughly to the 2020 to 2023 median for that month (+1%). In the first half of the month, mortality figures …

Press Release

Press release No. 263 of 9 July 2024 Truck toll mileage index in June 2024: -0.1% on the previous month

The mileage covered by trucks with four or more axles, which are subject to toll charges, on German motorways decreased by 0.1% in June 2024 compared with May 2024, after calendar and seasonal adjustment. The Federal Logistics and Mobility Office …

Press Release

Press release No. 262 of 8 July 2024 Exports in May 2024: -3.6% on April 2024

In May 2024, German exports were down 3.6% and imports dropped 6.6% on a calendar and seasonally adjusted basis compared with April 2024. Based on provisional data, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that exports decreased by 1.6% …

Press Release

Press release No. 260 of 5 July 2024 Production in May 2024: -2.5% on the previous month

Production in industry in real terms (price adjusted) was down 2.5% in May 2024 month on month after seasonal and calendar adjustment, according to provisional data provided by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). A three-month on three-month …

Press Release

Press release No. 259 of 4 July 2024 New orders in manufacturing in May 2024: -1.6% on the previous month

Real (price adjusted) new orders in manufacturing were down 1.6% in May 2024 month on month after seasonal and calendar adjustment, according to provisional figures of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). It was the fifth consecutive decline on …

Press Release

Press release No. 256 of 1 July 2024 Inflation rate of 2.2% expected in June 2024

The inflation rate in Germany is expected to be +2.2% in June 2024. It is measured as the change in the consumer price index (CPI) compared with the same month a year earlier. Based on the results available so far, the Federal Statistical Office (