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Press Release

Press release No. 160 of 8 May 2020 Truck toll mileage index in April 2020: -10.9% on a month earlier after seasonal adjustment

...As part of truck toll collection, digital process data are generated, for example, on the mileage of trucks subject to toll in Germany. The Federal Office for Goods Transport has developed the truck toll mileage index which reflects the development of mileage over time. ...

Press Release

Press release No. 129 of 9 April 2020 Truck toll mileage index is updated every day for the time being

...A similarly marked decrease in truck mileage was last recorded during the global financial and economic crisis. In January 2009, the seasonally adjusted truck toll mileage index fell by 4.3% compared with the previous month. As there is a strong connection between truck mileage and industrial production in Germany, the index provides early indications of short-term economic trends. ...

Press Release

Press release No. N 017 of 6 April 2020 “Coronavirus statistics” webpage shows economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic

...Monday, 6 April 2020: index of new orders and turnover index in manufacturing Tuesday, 7 April 2020 production index, February 2020 Thursday, 9 April 2020: foreign trade, February 2020 Thursday, 9 April 2020: truck toll mileage index, March 2020 All press releases of the current calendar week are contained in the short-term release calendar. A preview with release dates of important short-term indicators for a longer period of time is provided by the annual release calendar....

Press Release

Press release No. 008 of 9 January 2020 Truck toll mileage index – short-term economic indicator released more quickly

...Seasonally adjusted truck toll mileage index down 0.6% in December 2019 from the previous month...

Press Release

Press release No. 096 of 14 March 2019 Truck-toll-mileage gives early indications on economic cycle

...COLOGNE/WIESBADEN – Economic activity generates and requires transport services – hence there is a close connection between the economic development and the freight traffic by trucks on German roads. As part of toll collection, digital process data is generated, among other things, on the mileage of trucks subject to toll in Germany. The Federal Office for Goods Transport has used this data to develop a truck-toll-mileage index, which indicates the evolvement of freight traffic on German roads. ...