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Press Release

Press release No. 283 of 29 July 2020 Development of turnover in June 2020: +2.8% on the previous month

Turnover in the non-financial business economy in Germany continued to rise in June 2020. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the nominal (not price adjusted) turnover in June 2020 was a seasonally and calendar adjusted 2.8% higher …

Press Release

Press release No. 235 of 26 June 2020 Development of turnover in May 2020: +3.3% on the previous month

...The relaxation of the restrictions aimed at mitigating the coronavirus pandemic has had a positive effect on the development of turnover of the non-financial business economy in Germany in May 2020. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the nominal (not price adjusted) turnover in May 2020 was a seasonally and calendar adjusted 3.3% up on the previous month. ...

Press Release

Press release No. 187 of 28 May 2020 Development of turnover in April 2020: -13.8% on the previous month

The corona pandemic had a substantial impact on the development of turnover in the non-financial business economy in Germany in April 2020. In calendar and seasonally adjusted terms, the nominal (not price adjusted) turnover was 13.8% lower in April …

Press Release

Press release No. 205 of 31 May 2019 Retail turnover in April 2019 up 4.0% year on year in real terms

...The number of sales days was 24 in each of these two months. The timing of Easter had a positive effect on the year-on-year development of turnover in April 2019. In 2018, the Easter business largely fell in March, while turnover decreased in April. In 2019, however, the Easter business largely fell in April. In the period from January to April 2019, German retail turnover was up a real 2.2%, and a nominal 3.0%, on the same period of the previous year. ...