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Press Release

Press release No. N020 of 11 April 2022 Petrol and diesel fuel prices considerably lower in most neighbouring countries of Germany

Petrol and diesel fuel cost considerably more at German petrol stations recently than in most immediate neighbouring countries. Drivers in Germany paid 2.06 euros (daily average) for a litre of either E5 supergrade petrol or diesel fuel on 4 April …

Press Release

Press release No. 137 of 30 March 2022 Expected inflation rate for March 2022: +7.3%

The inflation rate in Germany is expected to be +7.3% in March 2022. The inflation rate is measured as the change in the consumer price index (CPI) compared with the same month a year earlier. Based on the results available so far, the Federal …

Press Release

Press release No. 132 of 25 March 2022 Diesel fuel prices averaged 2.16 euros per litre on 20 March 2022

On 20 March 2022, the daily average price of Diesel fuel at filling stations was 2.16 euros per litre (including all legal duties). On 20 February 2022, that is, shortly before the Russian attack on Ukraine started, the daily average price had been …

Press Release

Press release No. 100 of 11 March 2022 Inflation rate at +5.1% in February 2022

The inflation rate in Germany, measured as the year-on-year change in the consumer price index (CPI), stood at +5.1% in February 2022, thus remaining at a high level. In January 2022, it had been +4.9%. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also …

Press Release

Press release No. 081 of 1 March 2022 Inflation rate expected to be +5.1% in February 2022

The inflation rate in Germany is expected to be +5.1% in February 2022. The inflation rate is measured as the change in the consumer price index (CPI) compared with the same month a year earlier. Based on the results available so far, the Federal …

Press Release

Press release No. 057 of 11 February 2022 Inflation rate at +4.9% in January 2022

The inflation rate in Germany, measured as the year-on-year change in the consumer price index (CPI), stood at +4.9% in January 2022. In December 2021, it had been +5.3%. “The inflation rate slightly decreased in January, after it had reached its …

Press Release

Press release No. 042 of 31 January 2022 Inflation rate expected to be +4.9% in January 2022

The inflation rate in Germany is expected to be +4.9% in January 2022. The inflation rate is measured as the change in the consumer price index (CPI) compared with the same month a year earlier. Based on the results available so far, the Federal …

Press Release

Press release No. 025 of 19 January 2022 Inflation rate in 2021: +3.1% on a year earlier

Consumer prices in Germany rose by 3.1% in 2021 on an annual average compared with 2020. The main reason was the high monthly inflation rates in the second half of 2021. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the inflation rate

Press Release

Press release No. 005 of 6 January 2022 Inflation rate expected to be +5.3% in December 2021

The inflation rate in Germany, measured as the year-on-year change in the consumer price index, is expected to be +5.3% in December 2021. Compared with November 2021, consumer prices are expected to increase by 0.5%. Based on the results available so …

Press Release

Press release No. N 070 of 13 December 2021 Mobility and energy currently have a special impact on the personal inflation rate

In November 2021 the inflation rate as measured by the consumer price index for Germany reached the highest level since June 1992. However, the extent to which each individual is affected by the rise in prices depends on his or her consumption …