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Press Release

Press release No. 190 of 16 May 2023 Just over one-fifth of Germany’s population at risk of poverty or social exclusion

Just over 17.3 million people in Germany were affected by poverty or social exclusion in 2022. This equated to 20.9% of the population, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports on the basis of first results of the survey on income and living …

Press Release

Press release No. N 015 of 7 March 2023 Gender pension gap: retirement income of women almost one third below that of men in 2021

In terms of both their average income and their retirement income, women are worse off than men. According to results of the survey of income and living conditions (EU-SILC) 2021, women aged 65 or over received gross retirement income of 17,814 euros …

Press Release

Press release No. N 067 of 17 November 2022 10.5% of Germany's population lived in overcrowded dwellings in 2021

400,000 new dwellings, including 100,000 social dwellings, will be constructed every year to counteract the lack of affordable dwellings, according to Federal Government plans. Roughly 8.6% million people in Germany lived in overcrowded dwellings in …

Press Release

Press release No. N 063 of 21 October 2022 2.6 million people did not have a sufficiently heated home in 2021, due to a lack of money

Now that the cold season is coming, the continuing high energy prices dramatically increase the costs of heating. But even before the energy crisis started as a result of the war in Ukraine, not everyone was able to afford sufficient heating. …

Press Release

Press release No. N 062 of 5 October 2022 One fifth of the population in Germany had an annual net income of less than 16,300 euros in 2021

Introducing an electricity price freeze, raising the children's allowance, one-off payments to students and pensioners and a higher housing allowance for more people entitled – the Federal Government has adopted a variety of measures as part of the …

Press Release

Press release No. N 054 of 26 August 2022 Housing costs: 10.7% of the population regarded as overburdened in 2021

For millions of people in Germany, the money spent on housing accounts for large part of their cost of living. Housing expenditure and rents in particular usually are fixed monthly costs with little nor no reduction potential. In 2021, housing costs …

Press Release

Press release No. 327 of 4 August 2022 Relative risk of poverty in Germany at 15.8% in 2021

Roughly 13.0 million people in Germany were at risk of poverty in 2021. This is 15.8% of Germany's population. The proportion of people at risk of poverty in the population thus is at roughly the same level as a year earlier, as reported by the …

Press Release

Press release No. 506 of 4 November 2021 8.5 million people in Germany lived in overcrowded dwellings in 2020

Activities outside the home were strongly limited for some periods in 2020 because of the measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic. This may have been particularly stressful for people living in dwellings that are considered as overcrowded by …

Press Release

Press release No. 066 of 15 February 2021 2 million people in Germany did not have a sufficiently heated home in 2019 due to a lack of money

Germany is being gripped by a sub-zero wave of cold weather. However, it cannot be taken for granted that all people have a sufficiently heated home. In 2019, roughly 2 million people in Germany lived in households which could not sufficiently heat …

Press Release

Press release No. N 079 of 26 November 2020 6.4 million people in Germany lived in overcrowded dwellings in 2019

Activities outside the home have been strongly limited by the measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic. This can be particularly stressful for people living in overcrowded dwellings. In 2019, approximately 6.4 million people lived in such an …