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Press Release

Press release No. 227 of 14 June 2023 Level of births remains low in first quarter of 2023

In 2022, around 739,000 children were born in Germany, according to provisional results. The number of births was therefore 5.6% lower compared with the average for the years 2019 to 2021, and was down 7.1% from 2021, a year marked by a high number …

Press Release

Press release No. 226 of 14 June 2023 Rate of childlessness has remained constant at 20% for ten years

In 2022, the rate of childlessness in Germany stood at 20%. This rate refers to the share of women who have not borne children in all women aged between 45 and 49 in 2022 (1973-1977 birth cohorts). Based on the results of the 2022 microcensus, the …

Press Release

Press release No. 303 of 15 July 2022 The number of stillbirths per 1,000 births increased by 24% on 2007

In 2021, the number of stillborn children in Germany was 3,420. This corresponds to 4.3 stillbirths per 1,000 births. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that a slight upward trend in the rate has been recorded since 2010, …

Press Release

Press release No. 181 of 28 April 2022 Record low of marriages and record high of births in 2021

The number of marriages fell to a new all-time low in Germany in 2021. According to provisional results of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), approximately 357,800 couples got married in 2021. This was a decrease of 4.2%, or 15,500, compared …

Press Release

Press release No. N 019 of 8 April 2022 Three fourths of children in Germany living with their siblings

Most children in Germany grow up with siblings. To mark World Siblings Day on 10 April, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that just under 10.3 million of the 13.6 million children under the age of 18 lived in the same household as …

Press Release

Press release No. 522 of 16 November 2021 More sibling births in the spring of 2021

Approximately 524,000 children were born in Germany from January to August 2021 according to provisional results of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). The number of births rose slightly by 1.3% on the same period of the previous year. There …

Press Release

Press release No. 396 of 23 August 2021 Births only slightly up from January to May 2021

Approximately 315,000 children were born from January to May 2021 according to provisional results of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). The number of births rose slightly by 1.4% on the same period of the previous year. A marked increase in …

Press Release

Press release No. 280 of 15 June 2021 Births in March 2021: Highest number in over 20 years

According to provisional results of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), 65,903 children were born in March 2021. The last time that more than 65,000 births were recorded in March was in 1998. Compared with March 2020, the number of births this …

Press Release

Press release No. 200 of 26 April 2021 More deaths, fewer births and marriages in 2020

Roughly 773,000 babies were born in Germany in 2020. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that this was a year-on-year decline of about 5,000 children (-0.6%). This was a continuation of the downward trend which began after the last …

Press Release

Press release No. 149 of 26 March 2021 No marked impact of the first lockdown on the number of births in Germany

A first evaluation of the births reported shows that the first lockdown to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, which was imposed from 22 March to the beginning of May 2020 and included far-reaching contact restrictions, had no considerable impact on the …