Europe Gender Pay Gap: Germany remains among EU states with highest disparity

In 2023, the gender pay gap, which measures the percentage difference in average gross hourly earnings between men and women, amounted to 18% in Germany. As in previous years, this was considerably higher than the EU27 average (13%). Among the 27 EU countries, Estonia (21%), Austria (18%) and Czechia (18%) had the highest gender pay gap. In Luxembourg, women earned more than men. EU state with a small difference in gross hourly earnings between men and women in Europe were as well as Italy (4%), Romania and Belgium (each 5%).


When interpreting the values, it should be taken into account that they refer to the unadjusted gender pay gap. This indicator does not offer any information on the difference in earnings between female and male persons with equivalent qualifications employed in the same occupation and carrying out comparable tasks.

Data on the gender pay gap can be found in the Eurostat database.