Europe Hamburg and Oberbayern among the ten most wealthy EU regions

EU regions

Hamburg and Oberbayern were among the ten most economically powerful EU regions in 2019. In Hamburg the gross domestic product per capita (adjusted for purchasing power) was 95% above the EU average. This means, the Hanseatic city ranks 6th out of all 240 EU regions at NUTS2-level. Oberbayern (Upper Bavaria) with a per-capita-GDP 73% above EU average is ranked 8th. Upper Bavaria includes Munich (plus some surrounding districts), Ingolstadt and Rosenheim.

Six of the ten most wealthy EU regions were Capital City regions. Luxembourg was ranked 1st, with an economic performance that was 160% above EU average. The 2nd highest ranking region was the Irish region Southern (+140%). The per-capita-GDP of the German capital city region Berlin was 23% above EU average and ranked 42nd of the 240 regions. The lowest ranking German EU region was Sachsen-Anhalt.

Severozapaden in Bulgaria was the EU region with the lowest GDP per inhabitant in 2019. Here, GDP per capita was 68% below EU average.

Access to the table with GDP data for all german regions.