Europe Cyprus

Eurostat data: Cyprus in comparison
Capital- 2024NicosiaBerlin-
Currency- 2024EuroEuro-
Land areakm220239,213353,2964,103,987
Economy and finance
Gross domestic product (GDP) at market pricesbn euros2022283,87715,905
Gross domestic product (GDP) at market pricesper inhabitant PPS202233,38441,34735,425
GDP growth rate%20225.11.83.4
Inflation rate%20233.96.06.4
General government deficit/surplus% of GDP20222.4-2.5-3.3
General government gross debt% of GDP202285.666.183.5
Population projections1,00021001,11883,202416,074
Total fertility ratechildren per woman20211.391.581.53
Life expectancy at birth (female)years202283.6- 83.4
Life expectancy at birth (male)years202279.9- 78.0
Labour market
Employment rate (age 20 to 64)%202277.980.774.6
Employment rate (age 55 to 64)%202265.073.362.3
Unemployment rate (age 20 to 64)% of active population20226.73.16.0
Unemployment rate (age 15 to 24)% of active population202218.66.014.5
Pupils per teacher (secondary level)number20218.312.111.1
Early leavers from education (aged 18-24)%20228.112.29.6
Tertiary educational attainment, aged 30-34 (female)%202270.040.648.2
Tertiary educational attainment, aged 30-34 (male)%202254.838.137.4
Public expenditure for education% of GDP20205.75.15.0
Public expenditure for R&D% of GDP20220.83.12.2
Hospital bedsper 100,000 inhabitants2021312.4776.0524.8
Deaths due to cancerper 100,000 inhabitants2020205.6240.3242.2
Healthy life years, age 65 (female)expected years20219.311.49.9
Healthy life years, age 65 (male)expected years20219.110.29.5
Social issues, living conditions
People at risk of poverty or social exclusionpersons in mn20220.117.395.3
At-risk-of-poverty rate% of population202213.914.716.5
Overburding by housing cost% of population20222.511.88.7
Inability to face unexpected financial expenses% of households202239.733.531.5
Industry, trade and service
Industry% of GDP20228.324.020.6
Manufacturing: production index% change on previous year2023- -0.9-1.6
Retail trade: turnover (deflated)% change on previous year20235.8-3.0-1.8
Building permits% change on previous year2022-6.3-7.12.0
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries% of GDP20221.81.01.9
Area under organic farming% of UAA20216.49.7-
Roundwood production1,000 20221478,872509,286
Foreign trade
Exportsmn euros20224,154.91,593,285.42,572,130.6
Importsmn euros202211,610.41,505,152.93,006,697.2
Foreign trade balancemn euros2022-7,455.688,132.6-434,566.6
Air transport passengersmn20228.6155.3819.8
Passenger transport% passenger cars202187.388.886.3
Passenger transport% trains2021- 6.56.0
Freight transport% railways2021- 19.017.0
Environment and energy
Greenhouse gas emissionstonnes of CO2 equivalent per capita202110.39.47.9
Greenhouse gas emissionsIndex (1990=100)2021145.961.672.0
Energy dependency rate% in gross domestic consumption202292.068.662.5
Renewable energy% share in gross final energy consumption202219.420.823.0
Science and technology
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D% of GDP20220.83.12.2
Share of women researchers% of total researchers202138.729.433.7
Internet use% of persons (aged 16 to 74)202391.292.591.4
Broadband access% of households202193.488.890.2

. = Numerical value unknown of confidential.
- = No figures or magnitude zero.

Source: Eurostat

As at 15 February 2024


Country Profile Cyprus from international data sources

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