German Presidency of the Council Working Party on Statistics Dominik Rozkrut

Dominik Rozkrut is the President of Statistics Poland since 2016. Dr. Rozkrut is a member of the European Statistical System Committee. He has been nominated to be the Chair of the ESS Partnership Group for 2020-2021. He is a member of the OECD's Committee on Statistics and Statistics Policy and serves as a bureau member of the UNECE Conference of European Statisticians. He represents Poland on the UN Statistical Commission. Dominik Rozkrut has also been involved in the ESS Vision Implementation Group, the UN Friends of the Chair Group on the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, the UN Global Working Group on Big Data for Official Statistics, UNECE High-Level Group on Modernisation of Official Statistics. He also has served as a member of the EU Business-to-Government (B2G) Data Sharing expert group until 2019. Dr. Rozkrut's career began at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics at the University of Szczecin. At the same time, he also worked as a member of a market risk management team at the commercial bank. He joined official statistics in 2007 and served as Director of the office's regional branch, being a project manager for numerous research and development projects. He is an adjunct professor at the University of Szczecin, where he received his Ph.D. in statistics and econometrics.
He completed an internship at the University of Massachusetts, Lappeenranta University of Technology, and UNU-MERIT. Dr. Rozkrut is a member of the Main Council of the Polish Statistical Association.