German Presidency
of the Council Working Party
on Statistics

Topics EU2020


ESS Coordinated Response to Future Crises adopted


High-level meeting on ESS communication and cooperation in times of crisis


Virtual live panel discussion on 27 November 2020


The European Statistical System in the COVID-19 crisis


Presidency makes statistics widely visible



16 December 2020 – Presidency Handover Meeting
Virtual Meeting


Presidency and Trio Programme

The incoming Presidency Trio, bringing together Germany, Portugal and Slovenia, will run from 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2021. Germany holds the Presidency in the second half of 2020, followed by Portugal (January–June 2021) and Slovenia (July–December 2021).


Legislative Files

European Statistical Programme (within the framework of the Single Market Programme)

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Programme for single market, competitiveness of enterprises, including small and medium-sized enterprises, and European statistics and repealing Regulations (EU) No 99/2013, (EU) No 1287/2013, (EU) No 254/2014, (EU) No 258/2014, (EU) No 652/2014 and (EU) 2017/826, COM (2018) 441

EUR-Lex | EP's Legislative Observatory | Progress Report

Digital conference

The digital conference combines current issues and statistical needs. Under the motto "lessons learned from COVID-19", we want to shed light on how Corona has affected Europe and how official statistics respond to the new situation. The digital conference will be updated regularly with the help of various contributions such as podcasts and a discussion round.


Wiesbaden Memorandum

During the High-level meeting on ESS communication and cooperation in times of crisis on 26 November 2020, the Directors-General of the National Statistical Institutes and Eurostat agreed on a coordinated response to future crises affecting the European Statistical System (ESS), which was adopted as the “Wiesbaden Memorandum”.


European Statistical Recovery Dashboard

The European Statistical Recovery Dashboard presents 23 monthly and quarterly indicators for the EU as a whole and for the individual Member States in a clear and compact manner.


Contact the Team

Contact the Presidency Team


Europe in Figures

For comparisons between Member States provided by Destatis, have a look here.


"Together for Europe's recovery" - That is the motto and aspiration of the upcoming German Council Presidency. The logo, a Möbius strip, symbolises an innovative Europe united in solidarity.