Migration and integration Foreign population, by status under residence law

Foreign population on 31 December 2023, by status under residence law
Status under residence lawNumber
Source: Central Register of Foreigners.
Foreign population, total13,895,865
No residence permit required
Entitled to freedom of movement under EU law5,360,270
Exempted from the requirement for a residence title, displaced foreigners9,125
residence permit required
With a residence permit6,687,165
With a permanent residence permit2,644,595
With a fixed-term residence permit4,042,570
of which
For educational purposes254,020
For the purpose of economic activity419,285
Under international law or on humanitarian or political grounds2,223,555
For family reasons965,525
Special rights of residence and national visa180,190
Application filed for a residence permit700,875
Without a residence permit1,138,425
of which
With a temporary suspension of deportation193,970
With a permission to remain pending the asylum decision371,985
Without residence permit, no suspension of deportation or permission to remain572,465

As at 02 May 2024

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