Income, living conditions, Risk of poverty Income distribution (equivalised net income)

Community Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC)

Income distribution (equivalised net income)1 in Germany
Socio-demographic breakdown

Survey year


1: The reference year for determining the at-risk-of-poverty rate for EU-SILC (LEBEN IN EUROPA) is the year prior to the year in which the survey is taken.
2: Ratio between the total income of the top fifth and that of the bottom fifth of the income distribution.
3: The Gini coefficient, or Gini index, is a measure of the relative concentration, or inequality, and can take a value between zero and one (Gini coefficient) or a value on a scale between 0 and 100 (Gini index). In the case of equal distribution, the Gini coefficient takes the value of zero, while in the case of the entire income being concentrated in only one person, the value is 1.

Source: Leben in Europa (EU-SILC).

Median equivalised income in EUR/year
Male18,92719,18619,38920,07420,08120,22821,19421,75022,472 23,23124,039
Mean equivalised income in EUR/year
Inequality of income distribution (S80 / S20 rate)2
Gini index3

As at 11 October 2022

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