Income, living conditions, Risk of poverty
Income distribution (equivalised net income)

Income distribution (equivalised net income)1 over time
Survey year2
Socio-demografic breakdown2020202120222023

1: The reference year for determining the at-risk-of-poverty rate is the year prior to the year in which the survey is taken.
2: As of reference year 2020 there have been two types of results: first and final results. The actually presented results for 2020 to 2023 are final results. The "Leben in Europa" survey (German name of the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions - EU-SILC), which was conducted separately in the past, was integrated as a subsample into the micro­census in 2020. Comparing the results from 2020 with those of previous years is not possible (break in the time series) as the voluntary survey was changed over to a partly compulsory survey and the composi­tion of the sample was changed. For more infor­mation see the relevant special page.
3: Ratio between the total income of the top fifth and that of the bottom fifth of the income distribution.
4: The Gini coefficient, or Gini index, is a measure of the relative concentration, or inequality, and can take a value between zero and one (Gini coefficient) or a value on a scale between 0 and 100 (Gini index). In the case of equal distribution, the Gini coefficient takes the value of zero, while in the case of the entire income being concentrated in only one person, the value is 1.

Source: EU-SILC (Microcensus subsample of income and living conditions) - Eurostat database

Median equivalised income in EUR/year
Mean equivalised income in EUR/year
Inequality of income distribution (S80 / S20 rate)3
Gini index4

As at 23 May 2024