This page will no longer be updated. It contains results from the continuous household budget surveys and the sample survey of income and expenditure up to the 2021 survey year.

The European EU-SILC survey is the official main data source for measuring income, the risk of poverty and living conditions. Therefore, current results for household income can be found under income, living conditions, risk of poverty.

Current results for household expenditure from the continuous household budget surveys and the sample survey of income and expenditure can be found under consumption expenditure.

Receipts, expenditure 63% of gross income earned from employment

The average monthly gross income of households in Germany amounted to 4,979 euros in 2021, according to results of the continuous household budget surveys. Earnings from employment (63%) were the main source of income. An average amount of 3,136 euros per month was received from dependent employment or self-employment.

Households received slightly more than 23%, or an average 1,155 euros per month, in public transfer payments like pensions of the statutory pension insurance scheme, state pensions, children's allowance/supplementary children's allowance, parental allowance, unemployment benefit I--Roman one and II-Roman two, and social benefit. Property income (434 euros) accounted for just under 9% of gross household income. Income from non-public transfer payments - such as company pensions and assistance for households - and from subletting (253 euros) accounted for a small share of just over 5%.

These and further results of the continuous household budget surveys 2021 are available in the tables on income, receipts, expenditure.