Receipts, expenditure
Data to the income, receipts and expenditure of households, by households type

Income, receipts and expenditure of households
Type of household in 2018
Income, receipts and expenditureHouseholds, totalHouseholds, by households type

persons living alone

of whomsingle parents1


of whomother households3
men living alonewomen living alonewithout childwith child(ren)2

1: Unmarried child(ren) aged under 18 years.
2: Unmarried child(ren) aged under 18 years of main income earner or spouse/partner.
3: Among others, households with a child/children above the age of 18 years, multi-generational households, persons sharing a flat, etc.
4: Other taxes, voluntary contributions to statutory pension, insurance premiums, other transfers and expenditures, interest paid on loans, and statistical difference.

() = Limited informational value because the numeri­cal value based on the number of house­holds (25 to under 100 households) is of limited statistical reliability (relative standard error of 10% to under 20%).

/ = No data because the numerical value is not suffi­ciently reliable.

Source: Sample Survey of Income and Expenditure.

Averages per household and month in EUR
Gross household income4,8462,8123,1352,6143,1476,2465,6597,4357, 367
Gross income from employ­ment3,1221,6212,0041,3871,8454,0703,2585,7135,295
Gross income from dependent employment2,8171,4921,8051,3001,7033,6362,9045,1174,802
Gross income from self-employ­ment30412919987142434354596493
Property income458238275215186616597653732
Income from public transfer pay­ments9937636818137621,2401,473768974
Income from non-public transfer pay­ments and receipts from sub­letting272190175199353320330299365
Taxes and social charges1,2226898595855961,5971,3892,0201,901
Income tax, wage tax, church tax and solidarity surcharge5803174382442497686511,006907
Compulsory social security contri­butions6423714213413488297371,013994
Employers’ subsidies towards voluntary or private health insu­rance and towards long-term care insu­rance in cases of volun­tary or private health insu­rance34162510(9)48347554
Subsidies of pension insu­rance funds towards volun­tary or private health insu­rance3342


Net household income3,6612,1422,3052,0432,5604,7014,3115,4905,522
Receipts from selling goods and other receipts6540503541897811276
Dispo­sable income and receipts3,7262,1822,3552,0772,6014,7904,3895,6025,597
Income from property change and loans1,1246559075013781,5601,5481,5831,386
Private consumption expen­diture2,7041,7061,7291,6922,2083,4023,1893,8323,813
Other expen­diture2,0691,1281,5048997702,8282,6423,2042,965
memo­randum item:
Remaining expen­diture4484239308196227662627732771

As at 28 February 2020