Equipment with consumer durables Equipment of households with smart devices and systems by territory

Equipment1 of households with smart devices and systems by territory 2022
Smart devices and systems GermanyFormer territory of the
Federal Republic
excluding Berlin-West
New Länder and Berlin
1: As at 1 January of the year concerned. Excluding households of self-employed and excluding households with a monthly net household income of 18,000 euros and over.
Source: Continuous household budget surveys.
Households total (1,000)38,05830,2067,852
Share of the households in percent (equipment rate)
Smart TV (television set)58,559,355,6
Smart speaker (intelligent/Wi-Fi speaker)15,216,012,1
Smart energy management system (e.g. thermostat, electricity meter, lighting)9,79,89,3
Smart security system (e.g. alarm system, smoke detector, security camera)9,59,88,2
Smart household appliance (e.g. robot vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, washing machine)13,013,411,5

As at 27 October 2022

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