Long-term care
People in need of long-term care

People in need of long-term care in 2019, by type of care, sex and care level
Provision of carePeople in need of careCare levelNo level
assigned yet
Proportion of
the total number
of people
requiring care

1: Corresponds to those recipients who receive only long-term care allowance pursuant to Section 37 of SGB XI.
Recipients of combined benefits under Section 38 of SGB XI are included in the figures for home care services.
2: People in need of long-term care who are assigned to care grade 1 and who exclusively receive everyday support services recognised under Land law but no home care or home assistance services or services in residential care homes.

3: People using day or night care services usually also receive long-term care allowance or home care services.
For that reason, they are already included in the total number of people in need of long-term care and are not shown here. Excluded are people in care grade 1 (they do not receive long-term care allowance and are therefore included in the aggregated total of people in need of long-term care).

- = No figures or magnitude zero.

People in need of care receiving domiciliary care3,309,28860.28.849.428.
Of whom
Cared for by relatives alone12,116,45157.2- 55.930.510.23.4- 51.3
Cared for together with/by home care service(s)982,60466.68.345.929.511.84.5- 23.8
People in need with care level one and exclusively benefits under state law or without benefits2208,33064.9100.0- - - - - 5.0
People in need with care level one and semiresidental care21,90377.1100.0- - - - - 0.0
People in need of care receiving full-time residential care818,31769.70.819.834.429.415.20.419.8

As at 15 December 2020