Environmental Economic Accounting
Energy consumption of households

Energy consumption of private households (temperature adjusted)1
Energy source and purposes20152016201720182019202020212021 to 20202021 to 2015
billion kilowatt hourschange in %
1: Own calculation based on data provided by the Working Group on Energy Balances (Arebeitsgemeinschaft Energiebilanzen) and RWI - Leibnitz Institute for Economic Research. Energy Balance data has been adjusted for temperature differences, heating oil data has additionally been adjusted for inventory changes.
2: Including communication.
3: Data as in the national energy balance, but without energy use of commercially used spaces in private households of self-employed persons.
4: Source: Microcensus 2022 (household at primary residence). The comparability of the time series before and after 2011 is limited due to the extrapolation change. The information represents a revision compared to previous editions of "Private Households and Environment". As a result, all information per household in this publication has also been revised.
Updated: September 2023.
Energy source
Mineral oil136134132125124125118-5.9-13.0
Remote heating515555576058603.917.0
Renewable energies8894911001091081080.523.3
Biomass 697572778582831.419.8
Heat pumps and solar thermal energy18192023242625-2.536.4
Room heating481499480508510504501-0.84.1
Hot water9393981021061051159.224.0
Cooking, drying, ironing et cetera383838383940438.413.4
Other appliances2565656565657628.09.6
memorandum item:
not-temperature adjusted36316526426366656596803.37.8

Energy consumption per

household4 (kilowatt hours)


As at 27 September 2023