Environmental Economic Accounting
Area balance sheet of ecosystems: Settlement areas and transport infrastructure

Division A01: Settlement areas and transport infrastructure
Group / ClassArea 2015
in hectare
Area 2018
in hectare
Net change1
2018 to 2015
in hectare
Net change1
2018 to 2015
in %
1: The purpose of showing net changes is to cover real changes.
This is why changes below a specific threshold (referring to the area and compactness) are not explicitly shown and are
interpreted as technical inaccuracy of geodata analysis.
Settlement areas with high building density54,89764,3659,24216.8
Residential areas with high building density12,84014,3511,38510.8
Industrial areas with high building density35,18442,6497,38421.0
Commercial areas and public institutions with high building density6,8727,3654736.9
Settlement areas with low building density3,051,0143,065,0419,8830.3
Residential areas with low building density2,293,3662,306,51110,1780.4
Industrial areas with low building density499,982499,548-1,256-0.3
Commercial areas and public institutions with low building density257,666258,9819610.4
Transport infrasructure352,185353,9031,1740.3
Mining areas, dumpsites and construction sites96,454100,3073,5293.7
Mining areas73,44679,1355,1977.1
Construction sites12,66810,504-1,996-15.8
Recreational and urban green spaces451,354463,86613,0362.9
Green urban areas78,82978,9702260.3
Sport and recreational areas263,161278,56214,9225.7
Other green urban areas109,363106,333-2,111-1.9

As at 31 May 2022