Employment Differences between employment figures of Labour Force Survey and national accounts estimates

Employment estimates in the context of national accounts on the one hand and Labour Force Survey on the other hand are two important statistics for figuring out the number of employed persons in Germany. However, the results of both statistics re­gar­ding this num­ber differ from each other. For 2022, Labour Force Survey results show 2.9 million less employed persons than national accounts estimates.

This discrepancy is to be explained mainly by the different methods and tech­niques of the two statistics, but also in part by not completely matching de­fi­ni­tions. The re­con­ci­li­ation table below visualizes the backgrounds of the dif­fe­rent figures. According to de­fi­ni­tions, the main distinctions lie in the differentiation of persons who have interrupted their employment. Regarding me­thods, it is mea­ning­ful that national accounts estimates are calculating an em­ploy­ment figure based on some 60 statistical sources, while Labour Force Survey as a house­hold survey rests upon the statements of interviewed persons. This explains why discrepancies are to be found pre­do­mi­nant­ly in the field of marginal em­ploy­ments. According to experience, the collection of small (side) jobs and of oc­cu­pa­tions in the border area of clandestine employment often proves to be prob­lem­atic in house­hold surveys. Therefore, national account estimates make use of additional ap­pro­xi­ma­tions for areas which are difficult to mea­sure, e. g. in the field of do­mes­tic servicing.

The reconciliation table numbers the differences between national accounts em­ploy­ment es­ti­mates and Labour Force Survey. Based on the national accounts estimates, dis­cre­pan­cies that stem from different definitions are shown first. For example, na­tio­nal ac­counts estimates assume 33,000 employed persons more than does the La­bour Force Survey, because the former covers also employed persons under the age of 15 years. The second part shows differences due to methodological aspects. For that purpose, we show – subdivided by oc­cu­pa­tio­nal status – the deviations of Labour Force Survey in comparison to im­por­tant sources and additional ap­pro­xi­ma­tions of na­tio­nal accounts em­ployment es­ti­ma­tions. The last part shows dis­cre­pan­cies between Labour Force Survey and the German Microcensus.

Additional backround information regarding the varying results up to the year 2019 can be found in the following articles of the magazin "Wirtschaft und Statistik": Körner/Marder-Puch 04/2015, Körner/Puch 06/2009 (only in German). Information on the changes of the Microcensus 2020 can be found in the article "Wirtschaft und Statistik": Hundenborn/Enderer 06/2019. The new conception of the Microcensus leads to further differences in the results of the National account estimations and the Microcensus, respectively, EU-Labour Force Survey. Furthermore, the EU regulation (EU) 2019/2240 leads to changes in the questionnaire which has impact on the results on employment in the microcensus from 2021 onwards. Two articles from Marder-Puch in "Wirtschaft und Statistik" 03/2023 explain the changes and effects.

National account estimations are used primarily for the observation of em­ploy­ment in the context of the overall eco­no­mi­cal and cyclical development, while Labour Force Survey with its large number of variables is mainly utilized to ana­lyze the situation of specific sec­tions of the po­pu­la­tion, for interdisciplinary exa­mi­na­tions, and for international com­pa­ri­sons.

Reconciliation Table between Labour Force Survey and National Accounts estimates (2022)
in 1,000 personsspecification
1: Source: Federal Employment Agency
2: From 2017 onwards the German Microcensus does not cover employed persons in collective households. The value is based on a Microcensus estimation of the years 2020 bis 2022.
3: From 2020 onwards the German Microcensus and the National Accounts use deviating household definitions.
4: Source: Microcensus
5: Source: Statistics of Public Service Personnel; Ministry of Defence; Bahn AG; Post; Telekom; Churches
6: From 2020 onwards the Labour Force Survey is a subsample of the Microcensus. The weighting and calibration leads to differences in the results.
Rounding differences in sums may occur. Updated: Octover 2023
45,458Result National Accounts - total employment (domestic concept)
- 286Deviations due to definitions and concepts- 33Employed persons aged less than 151
- 115Employed persons in collective households2
+ 183Employed persons with other household delimitation3
- 333Employed persons on extended leave (>3 months; <50% salary)4
+ 12Employed persons working in extraterritorial organisations and bodies4
- 2,587Deviations due to methodological differences- 1,584Net difference between main source used in NA and LFS for specific status in employment - 309employees fully covered by social security contributions1
- 1,158marginal employees1
+ 122puplic officials and soldiers5
- 239self-employed and unpaid family workers4
- 1,003Net difference of adjustments in the NA
42,585Result German Microcensus - employed persons in private households
- 218Difference due to sampling differences and age differentiation6
42,367Labour Force Survey - employed persons in private households