Employment Microcensus grossing based on 2011 Census results

The microcensus (with the integrated labour force survey) is a sample survey covering roughly 1% of the population in Germany each year. To obtain information on the total population from the data collected, these have be grossed up accordingly.

The microcensus grossing procedure uses key population figures from the continuous intercensal population updates, which are broken down by region, age, sex and citizenship. Intercensal population updates determine the current population by updating the results of the latest population census, using the results of birth, death and migration statistics.

The present adjustment does not change the grossing procedure but accounts for the latest population figures in grossing up the sample data. Before the adjustment, the key population figures were based on the updates of results of the 1987 Census (former territory of the Federal Republic) and of the Central Population Register of the former GDR as at 3 October 1990 (new Länder and Berlin). In contrast, the key population figures which have now been used for grossing were obtained by updating the 2011 Census results.

The old and the new population figures differ from each other: the register-based census has shown that the number of people actually living in Germany on 9 May 2011 was 1.5 million lower than the number provided by the relevant intercensal update (-1.8%). According to the new population figures, the group of people holding foreign citizenship, in particular, is smaller than suggested by the update (-15%). The grossing up of microcensus and labour force survey data which accounts for the new key population figures has a similar effect on results pertaining to the number of persons in employment and unemployed. In 2013, the total number of persons in employment was by 2.3% or 929,000 lower, on average, than the former grossed-up figures. There was a stronger decrease for men (-2.7%) than for women (-1.8%).

Results of the microcensus 2013
Variableformer grossed-up resultnew grossed-up result
persons in employmentemployment ratepersons in employmentemployment rate
Persons aged 15 years or over

On average, the total number of unemployed was by 4% or 88,000 lower in 2013 (Table 2). There was a stronger decrease for men (-4.9%) than for women (-2.4%).

Results of the labour force survey 2013
Variableformer grossed-up resultnew grossed-up result
unemployedunemployment rateunemployedunemployment rate
Persons aged 15 years or over

The new grossing of microcensus and labour force survey data impacts also on the deviations between the results of the microcensus and employment accounts.