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Press releases

31 March 2023 Retail turnover in real terms down 1.3% in February 2023 on the previous month


8 March 2023 Retail turnover in real terms down 0.3% in January 2023 on the previous month


14 February 2023 Wholesale turnover in 2022 expected to be up 1.0% in real terms on 2021


31 January 2023 2022 turnover in retail trade down a real 0.6% on 2021


6 January 2023 Retail turnover in 2022 expected to be down 0.3% in real terms on 2021


Current news



More data are available from the GENESIS-Online database on the themes:

Monthly statistics: wholesale and commission trade
Monthly statistics of retail trade
Monthly statistics of motor vehicle trade
Annual statistics of wholesale and retail trade (Structural statistics)

The database content will continuously be extended, and links will be provided here.


1 / 3

Persons employed full-time or part-time

2 / 3

Structure of trade

3 / 3

Types of expenses

Experimental statistics