Short-term indicators Persons engaged in economic activity, domestic concept

Persons engaged in economic activity, domestic concept. Calendar and seasonally adjusted by X 13 JDemetra+ or Berlin procedure, version 4.1. Tables and graphs.

X 13 JDemetra+ Table

Persons engaged in economic activity1
Year, month Non-adjusted value Calendar adjusted and seasonally adjusted using X 13 JDemetra+
Value Change on the previous month in % Change on the corresponding month of the previous year in % Value Change on the previous month in %
1: Persons with place of work in Germany. Results of employment estimates as part of national accounts.
2024 May 46,036 0.3 0.3 46,061 0.0
Apr 45,918 0.2 0.2 46,041 0.1
Mar 45,813 0.1 0.2 46,015 0.0
Feb 45,759 0.1 0.3 46,006 0.0
Jan 45,728 -0.8 0.3 45,988 0.0
2023 Dec 46,084 -0.3 0.4 45,987 0.0
Nov 46,221 0.0 0.5 45,965 0.1
Oct 46,208 0.1 0.5 45,942 0.0
Sep 46,139 0.4 0.5 45,929 -0.0
Aug 45,944 -0.0 0.7 45,940 -0.0
Jul 45,958 -0.1 0.8 45,961 0.0
Jun 45,989 0.2 0.8 45,959 0.0
May 45,920 0.2 0.8 45,951 0.0
Apr 45,809 0.2 0.9 45,936 0.0
Mar 45,713 0.2 0.9 45,918 0.1
Feb 45,632 0.1 1.0 45,876 0.1
Jan 45,570 -0.7 1.0 45,827 0.1
2022 Dec 45,882 -0.3 1.1 45,785 0.1
Nov 46,006 0.0 1.1 45,749 0.1
Oct 45,990 0.2 1.2 45,722 0.1
Sep 45,894 0.5 1.2 45,681 0.1
Aug 45,643 0.1 1.2 45,637 0.1
Jul 45,584 -0.1 1.2 45,584 -0.0
Jun 45,623 0.2 1.5 45,598 0.1
May 45,536 0.3 1.6 45,571 0.1
Apr 45,399 0.3 1.6 45,528 0.1
Mar 45,284 0.2 1.6 45,493 0.1
Feb 45,187 0.1 1.6 45,429 0.1
Jan 45,126 -0.6 1.4 45,379 0.2
2021 Dec 45,393 -0.2 1.2 45,296 0.1
Nov 45,496 0.1 1.0 45,238 0.1
Oct 45,440 0.2 0.8 45,172 0.1
Sep 45,352 0.6 0.8 45,139 0.1
Aug 45,101 0.2 0.8 45,091 0.1
Jul 45,030 0.1 0.7 45,028 0.2
Jun 44,966 0.4 0.6 44,946 0.3
May 44,799 0.3 0.3 44,832 0.1
Apr 44,680 0.2 -0.3 44,809 0.1
Mar 44,570 0.2 -1.1 44,785 0.1
Feb 44,490 -0.0 -1.5 44,730 -0.0
Jan 44,493 -0.8 -1.5 44,741 -0.1
2020 Dec 44,874 -0.3 -1.3 44,780 0.0
Nov 45,031 -0.1 -1.3 44,773 -0.1
Oct 45,076 0.2 -1.1 44,812 0.1
Sep 44,991 0.6 -1.2 44,778 0.1
Aug 44,737 0.1 -1.3 44,722 0.1
Jul 44,699 0.0 -1.4 44,689 0.0
Jun 44,688 0.0 -1.4 44,667 -0.1
May 44,672 -0.3 -1.3 44,700 -0.5
Apr 44,808 -0.6 -0.7 44,936 -0.8
Mar 45,077 -0.2 0.2 45,304 -0.3
Feb 45,169 0.0 0.6 45,425 0.0
Jan 45,154 -0.7 0.6 45,415 0.1
2019 Dec 45,469 -0.3 0.6 45,375 0.0
Nov 45,626 0.1 0.7 45,360 0.1
Oct 45,598 0.2 0.8 45,332 0.1
Sep 45,523 0.5 0.8 45,304 0.0
Aug 45,314 -0.0 0.7 45,292 -0.0
Jul 45,320 0.0 0.9 45,303 0.1
Jun 45,306 0.1 0.9 45,278 -0.0
May 45,268 0.3 1.0 45,286 0.0
Apr 45,143 0.4 1.1 45,271 0.1
Mar 44,980 0.2 1.2 45,216 0.1
Feb 44,904 0.1 1.2 45,174 0.1
Jan 44,863 -0.7 1.2 45,137 0.1

Updated on 2024-06-28

As at June 28, 2024

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BV 4.1 Table

Persons engaged in economic activity1
Year, month Non-adjusted value Trend cycle component (BV 4.1) Calendar- and seasonally adjusted value (BV 4.1) Irregular component (BV4.1)
Value Change on the corresponding month of the previous year in % Change on the corresponding month of the previous year - absolute value Value Change on the previous month in % Value Change on the previous month in %
1: Persons with place of work in Germany. Results of employment estimates as part of national accounts.
2024 May 46,036 0.3 116 46,029 0.0 46,035 0.0 6.0
Apr 45,918 0.2 109 46,022 0.0 46,018 0.0 -4.0
Mar 45,813 0.2 100 46,014 0.0 45,997 0.0 -17.0
Feb 45,759 0.3 127 46,004 0.0 45,993 0.0 -11.5
Jan 45,728 0.3 158 45,996 0.0 45,989 -0.0 -7.2
2023 Dec 46,084 0.4 202 45,989 0.0 45,996 0.0 7.2
Nov 46,221 0.5 215 45,984 0.0 45,983 0.0 -0.7
Oct 46,208 0.5 218 45,979 0.0 45,965 0.0 -14.5
Sep 46,139 0.5 245 45,972 0.0 45,956 -0.0 -15.2
Aug 45,944 0.7 301 45,962 0.0 45,961 -0.0 -0.6
Jul 45,958 0.8 374 45,949 0.0 45,972 0.1 22.7
Jun 45,989 0.8 366 45,935 0.0 45,945 0.0 10.2
May 45,920 0.8 384 45,919 0.0 45,926 0.0 6.8
Apr 45,809 0.9 410 45,902 0.0 45,910 0.0 7.9
Mar 45,713 0.9 429 45,881 0.1 45,891 0.1 9.1
Feb 45,632 1.0 445 45,857 0.1 45,862 0.1 4.6
Jan 45,570 1.0 444 45,830 0.1 45,825 0.1 -5.4
2022 Dec 45,882 1.1 489 45,801 0.1 45,796 0.1 -5.0
Nov 46,006 1.1 510 45,770 0.1 45,765 0.1 -4.2
Oct 45,990 1.2 550 45,736 0.1 45,741 0.1 4.8
Sep 45,894 1.2 542 45,700 0.1 45,698 0.1 -2.8
Aug 45,643 1.2 542 45,663 0.1 45,648 0.1 -15.0
Jul 45,584 1.2 554 45,624 0.1 45,597 0.0 -27.7
Jun 45,623 1.5 657 45,586 0.1 45,589 0.0 2.7
May 45,536 1.6 737 45,546 0.1 45,568 0.1 21.6
Apr 45,399 1.6 719 45,505 0.1 45,520 0.1 15.2
Mar 45,284 1.6 714 45,460 0.1 45,474 0.1 14.6
Feb 45,187 1.6 697 45,411 0.1 45,426 0.1 14.2
Jan 45,126 1.4 633 45,358 0.1 45,369 0.2 10.5
2021 Dec 45,393 1.2 519 45,301 0.1 45,288 0.1 -12.8
Nov 45,496 1.0 465 45,241 0.1 45,230 0.2 -10.2
Oct 45,440 0.8 364 45,179 0.1 45,158 0.1 -20.5
Sep 45,352 0.8 361 45,117 0.1 45,126 0.1 8.3
Aug 45,101 0.8 364 45,058 0.1 45,096 0.1 38.2
Jul 45,030 0.7 331 45,002 0.1 45,059 0.1 57.1
Jun 44,966 0.6 278 44,949 0.1 44,997 0.2 48.7
May 44,799 0.3 127 44,898 0.1 44,920 0.2 21.7
Apr 44,680 -0.3 -128 44,850 0.1 44,843 0.2 -6.6
Mar 44,570 -1.1 -507 44,805 0.1 44,733 0.1 -71.2
Feb 44,490 -1.5 -679 44,766 0.1 44,679 -0.0 -86.3
Jan 44,493 -1.5 -661 44,737 0.0 44,687 -0.1 -50.3
2020 Dec 44,874 -1.3 -595 44,721 0.0 44,721 -0.0 0.7
Nov 45,031 -1.3 -595 44,718 -0.0 44,728 -0.1 10.1
Oct 45,076 -1.1 -522 44,729 -0.1 44,769 0.0 39.2
Sep 44,991 -1.2 -532 44,754 -0.1 44,767 0.0 13.1
Aug 44,737 -1.3 -577 44,791 -0.1 44,759 -0.0 -32.0
Jul 44,699 -1.4 -621 44,838 -0.1 44,762 -0.1 -75.9
Jun 44,688 -1.4 -618 44,895 -0.1 44,786 -0.1 -109.2
May 44,672 -1.3 -596 44,959 -0.2 44,841 -0.3 -117.8
Apr 44,808 -0.7 -335 45,030 -0.2 44,986 -0.5 -44.0
Mar 45,077 0.2 97 45,101 -0.1 45,205 -0.2 103.9
Feb 45,169 0.6 265 45,167 -0.1 45,306 -0.0 138.5
Jan 45,154 0.6 291 45,225 -0.1 45,322 0.0 97.3
2019 Dec 45,469 0.6 292 45,273 -0.1 45,318 -0.0 45.0
Nov 45,626 0.7 299 45,311 -0.1 45,329 0.0 18.0
Oct 45,598 0.8 341 45,338 -0.0 45,328 -0.0 -10.2
Sep 45,523 0.8 345 45,351 -0.0 45,334 -0.0 -17.7
Aug 45,314 0.7 333 45,352 0.0 45,340 -0.0 -11.5
Jul 45,320 0.9 390 45,339 0.1 45,360 0.0 20.5
Jun 45,306 0.9 413 45,314 0.1 45,355 0.0 40.2
May 45,268 1.0 443 45,281 0.1 45,344 0.1 62.6
Apr 45,143 1.1 498 45,244 0.1 45,279 0.3 35.0
Mar 44,980 1.2 512 45,205 0.1 45,160 0.1 -45.0
Feb 44,904 1.2 532 45,169 0.1 45,109 0.1 -60.1
Jan 44,863 1.2 526 45,136 0.1 45,086 0.0 -50.2

Updated on 2024-06-28

As at June 28, 2024

Show print version


