Construction prices and real property prices Residential property price indices

House price index, price index for building land

Quarterly levels


House price index
Year, quarter House price index1
Price index for purchases of new dwellings1
Price index for purchases of existing dwellings1
1: From 1st quarter 2023 onwards the data is provisional.
2024 I 143.8 141.6 144.2
2023 IV 145.4 143.3 145.8
III 148.4 144.9 149.1
II 150.5 144.0 151.7
I 152.5 146.2 153.7
2022 IV 156.7 148.3 158.3
III 165.2 150.4 168.0
II 166.4 148.9 169.6
I 163.3 144.8 166.7
2021 IV 162.5 146.7 165.5
III 158.2 142.0 161.2
II 151.8 138.1 154.4
I 146.3 133.3 148.7
2020 IV 144.3 135.4 145.9
III 140.3 131.2 142.0
II 136.2 129.1 137.5
I 133.8 126.0 135.3
2019 IV 132.7 127.2 133.7
III 129.6 123.3 130.8
II 127.8 121.4 129.0
I 124.6 119.5 125.5

As at June 21, 2024

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Change on the previous year

House price index
% changes on the previous year
Year, quarter House price index1 Price index for purchases of new dwellings1 Preisindex für bestehende Wohnimmobilien1
1: From 1st quarter 2023 onwards the data is provisional.
2024 I -5.7 -3.1 -6.2
2023 IV -7.2 -3.4 -7.9
III -10.2 -3.7 -11.2
II -9.6 -3.3 -10.6
I -6.6 1.0 -7.8
2022 IV -3.6 1.1 -4.4
III 4.4 5.9 4.2
II 9.6 7.8 9.8
I 11.6 8.6 12.1
2021 IV 12.6 8.3 13.4
III 12.8 8.2 13.5
II 11.5 7.0 12.3
I 9.3 5.8 9.9
2020 IV 8.7 6.4 9.1
III 8.3 6.4 8.6
II 6.6 6.3 6.6
I 7.4 5.4 7.8
2019 IV 6.5 6.0 6.6
III 5.3 1.9 5.9
II 6.0 2.8 6.5
I 5.3 2.6 5.8

As at June 21, 2024

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Annual average


House price index
Year House price index
Price index for purchases of new dwellings
Price index for purchases of existing dwellings
Price index for building land1
1: 2021 provisional.
2023 149.2 144.6 150.1 -
2022 162.9 148.1 165.7 -
2021 154.7 140.0 157.5 187.5
2020 138.7 130.4 140.2 156.1
2019 128.7 122.9 129.8 146.1
2018 121.7 118.9 122.2 134.5

As at June 21, 2024

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Change on the previous year

House price index
% changes on the previous year
Year House price index Price index for purchases of new dwellings Price index for purchases of existing dwellings Price index for building land1
1: 2021 provisional.
2023 -8.4 -2.4 -9.4 -
2022 5.3 5.8 5.2 -
2021 11.5 7.4 12.3 20.1
2020 7.8 6.1 8.0 6.8
2019 5.8 3.4 6.2 8.6
2018 6.7 6.4 6.7 9.6

As at June 21, 2024

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