Industry, manufacturing

Topics Economic Sectors and Enterprises

Press releases

9 September 2024 Truck toll mileage index in August 2024: -0.3% on the previous month


6 September 2024 Production in July 2024: -2.4% on the previous month


5 September 2024 New orders in manufacturing in July 2024: +2.9% on the previous month


19 August 2024 Stock of orders in manufacturing in June 2024: -0.2% on the previous month


8 August 2024 Truck toll mileage index in July 2024: +0.1% on the previous month


Current news


Short-term economic data

Structural data on the industry

Further short-term data

Short term indicators



More data on industry and manufacturing are available from the GENESIS-Online database.

The database content will continuously be extended, and links will be provided here.



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Index of new orders in manufacturing

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Turnover index in manufacturing

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Production index for the industry

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Index of unfilled orders in manufacturing

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Number of employees in manufacturing

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Investments of the largest economic branches, 2020

Quality Reports

Index of the stock of orders in manufacturing - 2021

The indices of the stock of orders measure the monthly development of unfilled orders in selected branches of manufacturing. To analyse domestic demand and export demand, a distinction is made between unfilled domestic orders and orders received from foreign customers. The results are available as a value index and a (price-adjusted) volume index and in addition in calendar and/or seasonally adjusted versions.

Ranges of the stock of orders in manufacturing - 2021

The ranges of the stock of orders indicate for how many months local units, theoretically, are able to, or have to, produce goods until all orders on hand are filled - with turnover remaining constant and without any new orders being received. The results relate to selected economic branches in manufacturing.

Index of new orders in manufacturing - 2021

The indices of new orders measure the monthly development of the volume of new orders in selected branches of manufacturing. To analyse domestic and export demand, a distinction is made between new orders received from domestic customers and those received from foreign customers (by euro and non-euro area). The results are available as a value index and a (price-adjusted) volume index, and in addition in calendar and/or seasonally adjusted versions.

Production index for industry - 2021

The production indices reflect the ratio of the current price adjusted production values to the corresponding values in the base year. For instance, a production index value of 110 means that the price adjusted production is 10% higher than in the base year. The overall index is constructed as the weighted average of the results for individual economic branches. The weights reflect gross value added at factor cost in the individual economic branches in the base year. The index is constructed as a fixed-base index which is rebased every five years. The weights are maintained for five years to make sure that structural shifts between the economic branches have no impact on the index development during that period.

Turnover index for manufacturing - 2021

The turnover indices measure the monthly development of turnover in industry (manufacturing, mining and quarrying). To analyse domestic and export demand, a distinction is made between turnover with customers in the domestic territory and turnover with foreign customers (by euro and non-euro area). The results are available as a value index and a (priceadjusted) volume index, and in addition in calendar and/or seasonally adjusted versions.

Experimental statistics