Forestry and wood Structural survey of forestry holdings: corporate and private forests by size class of forest area

Forestry units and forest areas, in corporate and private forests, by size class of forest area, in Germany 2022
Forest area
forestry unitsarea
numberhectares (ha)
under 1317,598144,798.64
1 to 2146,822209,190.95
2 to 5162,494514,573.33
5 to 1074,878521,980.96
10 to 2037,744517,659.70
20 to 3010,286248,802.36
30 to 507,366280,341.39
50 to 1005,434383,063.02
100 to 2003,319468,376.66
200 to 5002,648829,583.66
500 to 1,0001,142804,930.51
1,000 and more7711,651,143.10
of which: corporate forest
under 11,499738,55
1 to 29431,363.52
2 to 51,5605,078.49
5 to 101,3259,477.86
10 to 201,40119,973.06
20 to 3083020,516.16
30 to 5095337,055.91
50 to 1001,34597,853.16
100 to 2001,283184,221.70
200 to 5001,283409,187.73
500 to 1,000614435,175.24
1,000 and more478978,618.63
of which: private forest
under 1316,099144,060.09
1 to 2145,879207,827.43
2 to 5160,934509,494.84
5 to 1073,553512,503.10
10 to 2036,343497,686.64
20 to 309,456228,286.20
30 to 506,413243,285.48
50 to 1004,089285,209.86
100 to 2002,036284,154.96
200 to 5001,365420,395.93
500 to 1,000528369,755.27
1,000 and more293672,524.47

As at 30 September 2022

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