Spatial coverage: Indicators are available for more than 190 nations and numerous aggregates.
Statistical range: This database includes 20 key indicators on the labour market (including labour force participation rate, unemployment rate, long-term and youth unemployment, labour costs per hour, productivity, weekly working time, part time rates).
Periodicity / time series: All indicators are available as time series as of the year 1990. Some of them are released annually and some are released only for selected years (depending on data availability and country).
Charges / registration: The KILM-database is free of charge, a customized access tool is also available.
Further information: The KILM-database enables a direct comparison of different labour markets on the basis of key indicators. The set of indicators is slightly modified occasionally. With every new release of this database (regular two-year cycle), a new focus topic is highlighted. In the past years topics included precarious working conditions, income and productivity as well as decent work. The KILM-database applies international common classification systems to categorize the data, e.g. ICSE, ISCED and ISIC.
Direct access:
ILO: KILM More information on the current edition of the KILM database