International statistics International Labour Organization (ILO): ILOSTAT database

Spatial coverage: This database includes data for 165 economies. At present the International Labour Organization has 185 Member States.

Statistical range: ILOSTAT contains a wide range of data on the labour market including data on employment by economic sector, wages per hour, weekly working hours, unemployment and strikes. The entry page to ILOSTAT offers statistics by country or by subject as well as information on concepts and definitions.

Periodicity / time series: In general the data provided is annual data. In some cases quarterly or monthly data are available, too. Estimates and projections are available for selected indicators only.

Charges / registration: This database is free of charge and there is no need to register.

Further information: The ILOSTAT database applies international common classification systems, such as ISCO, ISCED, ISIC and the System of National Accounts.

Direct access:

ILOSTAT Database