International statistics International Monetary Fund (IMF): World Economic Outlook Database

Spatial coverage: Statistics are available for more than 180 nations.

Statistical range: The database only includes a very limited amount of indicators. It features statistics on the gross domestic product, inflation rate, government finance and balance of payments.

Periodicity / time series: All data is available as time series from 1980 onwards. Data is provided on an annual basis. The time series also include forecasts for the next five years.

Charges / registration: The database is entirely free of charge and there is no registration function.

Further information: This database has only very few empty data cells. It also includes forecasts for the next five years. An updated version is released twice a year and is usually issued in April and October. There are also text versions and further text updates of the forecasts.

The IMF data and statistics section offers several other databases, some with limited access, but also freely available data e.g. on primary commodity price indices, external debt and public sector debt.

Direct access:

World Economic Outlook (WEO)