International statistics G20 responsible for approximately 81% of global CO2 emissions

Global CO2 emissions reached a level of 38.0 billion tonnes in 2021. The G20 states were responsible for around 81% of these emissions. The largest carbon dioxide emitters among the G20 members were China, the United States and the EU.


Taking the number of inhabitants into account, the ranking shifts. The highest CO2 emissions per inhabitant of all G20 countries were recorded by Saudi Arabia with 16.6 tonnes. It was followed by Canada with 14.9 tonnes, Australia with 14.3 tonnes and the United States with 14.2 tonnes. With around 8.7 tonnes China's per capita emissions were above the EU level of 6.3 tonnes.

The data on global CO2 emissions can be found in the Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR/JRC).

As at 3 November 2022