International statistics Basic indicators: Bangladesh

Data from selected international sources
Indicator Unit Year Value
Land area km22019130,170
GDP, current prices bn US$2021357.1
GDP per capita, current prices US$20212,147
GDP (annual change), constant prices %20215.0
Inflation (annual change of CPI) %20215.6
Gross value added: Agriculture % of GDP202111.6
Gross value added: Industry % of GDP202133.3
Gross value added: Services % of GDP202151.3
Population 1,0002021166,303.5
Population, female % of total202149.5
Population density inhab. per km220211,278
Population aged under 15 years % of total population202126.3
Population aged 65 years and older % of total population20215.3
Fertility rate, total births per woman20201.99
Life expectancy at birth - men years202071.1
Life expectancy at birth - women years202074.9
Density of physicians per 10,000 inhab.20207
Hospital beds per 10,000 inhab.20168
Infant mortality rate per 1,000 life births202024
Pupil-teacher ratio (primary) number201830
Pupil-teacher ratio (secondary) number202033
Student enrollment, tertiary per 100,000 inhab.20192,266
Public expenditure on education % of GDP20191.3
Labour force participation rate %202157.0
Labour force 1,000202169,817
Self-employed persons %202159.0
Unemployment rate %20215.2
Youth unemployment rate %202114.7
Long-term unemployment rate % of unemployed persons201714.7
GNI per capita, Atlas method US$20212,620
Industrial production index, manufacturing industry 2010 = 1002020275.9
Agricultural land % of land area201972.2
Arable land and permanent crops % of land area201967.6
Agricultural area organic % of agricultural area20190.0
Forest area % of land area201914.5
Import of goods, total bn US$201548.1
Export of goods, total bn US$201531.7
Import of goods from Germany mn US$2015863.0
Export of goods to Germany mn US$20154,673.2
Exports of goods and services % of GDP202110.7
Road traffic deaths per 100,000 inhab.201915
Pump price for gasoline (petrol) US$ per litre20161.12
Rail route length km20162,877
Primary energy use kg oe per capita2014229
CO2 emissions metric t per capita20200.64
Resident patent applications per mn inhab.20001
Telephone lines per 100 inhab.20200.9
Mobile cellular subscriptions per 100 inhab.2020103.3
Internet users per 100 inhab.201912.9
Fixed broadband internet subscribers per 100 inhab.20205.8
Active mobile-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhab.202053.0

As at 21 July 2022

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