International statistics Basic indicators: Cote d'Ivoire

Data from selected international sources
Indicator Unit Year Value
Land area km22019318,000
GDP, current prices bn US$202169.8
GDP per capita, current prices US$20212,522
GDP (annual change), constant prices %20216.5
Inflation (annual change of CPI) %20214.2
Gross value added: Agriculture % of GDP202021.4
Gross value added: Industry % of GDP202020.9
Gross value added: Services % of GDP202042.1
Population 1,000202127,053.6
Population, female % of total202149.6
Population density inhab. per km2202185
Population aged under 15 years % of total population202141.4
Population aged 65 years and older % of total population20212.9
Fertility rate, total births per woman20204.54
Life expectancy at birth - men years202056.9
Life expectancy at birth - women years202059.5
Density of physicians per 10,000 inhab.20081
Hospital beds per 10,000 inhab.20064
Infant mortality rate per 1,000 life births202058
Pupil-teacher ratio (primary) number202041
Pupil-teacher ratio (secondary) number202027
Student enrollment, tertiary per 100,000 inhab.2019959
Public expenditure on education % of GDP20193.7
Labour force participation rate %202155.5
Labour force 1,00020218,806
Self-employed persons %202172.6
Unemployment rate %20213.5
Youth unemployment rate %20215.7
Long-term unemployment rate % of unemployed persons201954.0
GNI per capita, Atlas method US$20212,450
Industrial production index, manufacturing industry 2010 = 100202193.5
Agricultural land % of land area201966.7
Arable land and permanent crops % of land area201925.2
Agricultural area organic % of agricultural area20190.3
Forest area % of land area20199.3
Import of goods, total bn US$201910.5
Export of goods, total bn US$201912.7
Import of goods from Germany mn US$2019279.6
Export of goods to Germany mn US$2019592.1
Exports of goods and services % of GDP202126.0
Road traffic deaths per 100,000 inhab.201924
Pump price for gasoline (petrol) US$ per litre20160.93
Rail route length km2018639
Primary energy use kg oe per capita2014613
CO2 emissions metric t per capita20200.46
Resident patent applications per mn inhab.20201
Research and development expenditure % of GDP20160.1
Researchers per million inhabitants200569
Telephone lines per 100 inhab.20201.0
Mobile cellular subscriptions per 100 inhab.2020152.0
Internet users per 100 inhab.201936.3
Fixed broadband internet subscribers per 100 inhab.20201.0
Active mobile-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhab.202074.5

As at 21 July 2022

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