Open Data Maps and geodata

The maps on this page permit the data shown to be reused in different ways. You may download and reuse various data, embed maps on your website or use Web Map Services (WMS).
Please take note of the licence notes in the imprint of the relevant map applications.

Regional Atlas for Germany

The Regional Atlas for Germany provides a Web Map Service. You may retrieve a URL to embed the service in any web or desktop-based map viewer. Any settings you have made on this page (levels displayed, colour scheme, etc.) will be integrated into the service. For this purpose click on the WMS button in the Atlas (top) and copy the link provided in the opening window.

Accident Atlas

The Accident Atlas provides a Web Map Service. In addition, places of accidents are available for download in the form of a shape file or in the CSV format.
The Accident Atlas can be embedded in your own pages using the relevant program code. Both width and height can be adjusted.

Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)

The Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy also provides geodata and related services for further use in the framework of its Open Data concept.