Press 719,600 children under three years in day care on 1 March 2016

Press release No. 345 of 28 September 2016

WIESBADEN - Compared with a year earlier, the number of children under three years who were cared for in day care centres increased by roughly 26,200 to stand at almost 719,600 on 1 March 2016. The increase was less marked than in the preceding years (2015: +32,600). Based on the results of the statistics on day care for children, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that, in Germany as a whole, the percentage of children in day care was 32.7% on the reference day (2015: 32.9%). Although more children under three are in day care, the percentage is slightly lower than in the previous year due to migration and a higher birth rate.

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