Press There are 209,000 households with three or more generations

Press release No. 263 of 28 July 2016

WIESBADEN – The number of households with three or more generations in Germany fell from 351,000 in 1995 to 209,000 in 2015. This was a decrease of 40.5%. "Multigeneration households are becoming more and more rare", said Dieter Sarreither, President of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), at today's press conference in Berlin. From 1995 to 2015, the number of households in which the middle generation lived with never-married children fell from 12.8 million to 11.0 million (–13.9%). In 2015, there were 266,000 households where the middle generation lived together with their parents. 20 years earlier, the figure had been 324,000 (–17.9%).

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