Press China still Germany's most important trading partner in 2023, but by a small margin

Press release No. 056 of 14 February 2024

  • China the most important trading partner for the eighth time in succession, however foreign trade volume only 0.7 billion euros higher than foreign trade volume with United States
  • Deficit of 58.4 billion euros in trade with China, export surplus of 63.5 billion euros in trade with United States
  • Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers most important export and import goods

WIESBADEN – With a foreign trade volume of 253.1 billion euros, the People's Republic of China was Germany's most important trading partner in 2023 for the eighth year running. However, the volume of foreign trade with China was only 0.7 billion euros higher than the foreign trade volume with the United States (252.3 billion euros). In 2022, the difference was 50.1 billion euros. In 2023, German trade in goods with China declined significantly, however, by 15.5% compared with 2022, while trade with the United States grew slightly by 1.1%. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the Netherlands was Germany's third most important trading partner after China and the United States, as in previous years, with exports and imports having a combined value of 214.8 billion euros (-5.5%).

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