Press Winter wheat on 48% of area under grain production in 2023

Press release No. 197 of 19 May 2023

  • Area under winter wheat nearly unchanged (-1.4%) from 2022
  • Area under summer wheat down by 45%

WIESBADEN – Farmers in Germany are growing winter wheat for harvest in 2023 on 2.85 million hectares. The area sown with winter wheat has therefore decreased by 1.4% compared with 2022. Based on first estimates, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the cultivation of the most widely sown cereals for grain production (including grain maize) is expected to cover an area of 5.97 million hectares, which represents a decrease of 79,700 hectares or 1.3%. Therefore, the winter wheat area accounts for just under half (48%) of the area under grain production in 2023.

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