Press Just over one-fifth of Germany’s population at risk of poverty or social exclusion

Press release No. 190 of 16 May 2023

  • 17.3 million people affected in Germany in 2022
  • 14.7% of the population were at risk of poverty, 6.1% were affected by severe material and social deprivation, 9.7% were living in a household with very low work intensity

WIESBADEN – Just over 17.3 million people in Germany were affected by poverty or social exclusion in 2022. This equated to 20.9% of the population, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports on the basis of first results of the survey on income and living conditions (EU-SILC). The values remained almost unchanged from the previous year (2021), when just under 17.3 million people, or 21.0% of the population, were affected by poverty or social exclusion.

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