Press Tourism in Germany in March 2023: 26.5% more overnight stays than in the previous year, but still fewer than before the pandemic

Press release No. 180 of 11 May 2023

Nights spent by visitors, March 2023
31.8 million
+26.5% on March 2022
-3.7% on March 2019

WIESBADEN – In March 2023, accommodation establishments in Germany recorded 31.8 million overnight stays of visitors from Germany and abroad. Based on provisional results, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that this was a 26.5% increase on March 2022, when tourism was still strongly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The number of overnight stays was 3.7% lower than in March 2019, the corresponding month before the pandemic.



The figures refer to accommodation establishments with 10 or more bed places and in tourist campsites having 10 or more pitches.

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