Press Approximately 351 billion euros for education, science and research in 2021

Press release No. 161 of 21 April 2023

  • Increase by roughly 5% on 2020
  • Expenditure at 9.8% of the gross domestic product

WIESBADEN – According to provisional calculations, public budgets and the private sector spent a total of 351.3 billion euros on education, science and research in Germany in 2021. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that this was an increase of 17.1 billion euros, or 5%, compared with the previous year. The expenditure accounted for 9.8% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2021 and thus was on the same level as in the preceding year. In 2019, before the Covid-19 pandemic, its share had been somewhat lower at 9.5%.

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