Press Retail turnover in real terms down 1.3% in February 2023 on the previous month

Press release No. 130 of 31 March 2023

Retail turnover, February 2023 (provisional, calendar and seasonally adjusted)
-1.3% on the previous month (in real terms)
-0.5% on the previous month (in nominal terms)
-7.1% on the same month a year earlier (in real terms)
+2.6% on the same month a year earlier (in nominal terms)

WIESBADEN – According to provisional results of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the real (price-adjusted) turnover of all retail enterprises in Germany declined by 1.3% and the nominal (not price-adjusted) turnover dropped by 0.5%, on a calendar and seasonally adjusted basis, in February 2023 from January 2023. Compared with February 2022, retail trade recorded a 7.1% decrease in turnover in real terms and a nominal increase of 2.6%. The difference between the results in real and nominal terms reflects the significant price increases in retail trade. Retail turnover in real terms decreased by 1.6% in February 2023 compared with February 2020, the corresponding month before the Covid-19 pandemic.


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