Press Requests for normal business insolvency in February 2023 up 10.8% on the previous month

Press release No. 109 of 17 March 2023

  • 4.3% more business insolvencies in 2022 year on year
  • 16.6% fewer consumer insolvencies in 2022 year on year

WIESBADEN – Based on provisional data of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the number of requests for normal business insolvency in Germany increased by 10.8% in February 2023 compared with the previous month. In January 2023, however, there had been a 3.2% decrease on December 2022. When interpreting the results, it should be noted that such procedures are included in the statistics only after the first decision has been taken by an insolvency court. The insolvency request itself was filed approximately three months earlier in many cases. Insolvency statistics include only business closures that occur in the course of insolvency proceedings. Business closures that are caused by other reasons or take place before businesses face acute financial difficulties are not included. This and other information (only in german) should be taken into consideration when insolvency statistics are interpreted.


More information:

Detailed data are provided in tables 52411 (Insolvencies) of the GENESIS-Online database.

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Insolvencies, business notifications

Phone: +49 611 75 4592

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