Press Number of pupils up 1.9% in 2022/2023

Large increase among foreign pupils

Press release No. 105 of 15 March 2023

WIESBADEN – Roughly 11.1 million pupils are receiving education in schools of general education and vocational schools, and in schools for nurses, midwives, etc. in Germany in school year 2022/2023, according to provisional results. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that this is a 1.9% increase compared with the previous school year. Thus the number of pupils grew for the first time since school year 2016/17. The increase is due, first, to the demographic development. At the end of 2021, the number of people in the relevant age group (5 to under 20 years) was by 0.8% higher than in 2020. The second reason probably is immigration from abroad.

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