Press Part-time employment rate among teachers just under 41% in school year 2021/2022

Press release No. N 008 of 13 February 2023

  • Female teachers work part-time more than twice as often as their male colleagues
  • More than a third of the teachers are aged 50 or over
  • Number of first-semester students decreases in teaching degree programmes

WIESBADEN – In the context of the increasing demand for school teachers, an aspect often discussed is the extent of employment of teachers. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that roughly 709,000 teachers worked at schools of general education in Germany in school year 2021/2022 – 40.6% of them worked part-time. This means that the part-time employment rate of teachers reached the highest level of the past ten years. Especially women often reduce their working hours. The part-time employment rate of female teachers (48.2%) was more than twice that of male teachers (20.1%) in school year 2021/2022.



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