Press World Cancer Day: record low of in-patient cancer treatments in 2021

Press release No. N 007 of 2 February 2023

  • Cancer still is the fourth most frequent reason for treatment, accounting for 8% of all hospital stays
  • Most frequent cause of death among 40 to 79 year olds: one in three deaths caused by cancer in this age group in 2021
  • Lung and bronchial cancer particularly common

WIESBADEN – In 2021, just under 1.44 million patients were treated for cancer in hospitals on an in-patient basis. The number of in-patient cancer treatments in the second Covid year thus fell to a record low within the last 20 years as reported by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) to coincide with World Cancer Day on 4 February. The number of cancer-related hospital stays in 2021 fell by 1.2% on the first Covid year 2020, and by 7.2% on the pre-Covid year 2019 when roughly 1.55 million cancer treatments were recorded.



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