Press Production in December 2022: -3.1% on the previous month

Production in energy-intensive industrial branches down by 6.1% on the previous month

Press release No. 049 of 7 February 2023

Production in industry, December 2022 (in real terms, provisional):
-3.1% on the previous month (price, seasonally and calendar adjusted)
-3.9% on the same month a year earlier (price and calendar adjusted)

November 2022 (in real terms, revised)
+0.4% on the previous month (price, seasonally and calendar adjusted)
-0.5% on the same month a year earlier (price and calendar adjusted)

2022 (in real terms, provisional)
-0.6% on the previous year (price and calendar adjusted)

WIESBADEN – In December 2022, production in industry in real terms was down by 3.1% on the previous month on a price, seasonally and calendar adjusted basis according to provisional data of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). An increase of 0.4% (provisional figure: +0.2%) was observed in November 2022 compared with the previous month. In 2022 as a whole, production was calendar-adjusted 0.6% lower than in 2021 and down 5.0% from the pre-crisis year of 2019.


The production index fluctuated in 2022. After falling sharply in March this year (-4.2% in comparison to the previous month), production recovered over the year and is falling again towards the end of the year. As a result, the calendar-adjusted production index is currently 3.9% lower than in December 2021.

In December 2022, production in industry excluding energy and construction was down by 2.1% in seasonally and calendar adjusted terms, compared with November 2022. Within industry, the production of consumer goods went up by 0.3%. The production of capital goods remained unchanged, while the production of intermediate goods decreased by 5.8%. The decline in production is widespread across the sub-sectors of intermediate goods. The decline in the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products is particularly strong. Compared with December 2021, the decrease in calendar adjusted production in industry excluding energy and construction amounted to 2.2% in December 2022.

Outside industry, energy production in December 2022 was down by 2.3% and production in construction by 8.0% in the previous month. The construction industry was probably also affected by the high number of frost days.

Production in energy-intensive branches down by 6.1%

In contrast to the overall industry, the production in the energy-intensive industrial branches sharply decreased by 6.1% in December 2022 compared with November 2022. With a few exceptions, production in the energy-intensive industries fell continuously throughout 2022 and is therefore calendar adjusted 19.6% lower in the current month than in December 2021. An analysis on the new production index for energy-intensive industrial branches (only in german) is available on the Industry, manufacturing page of our website.

Methodological notes:

The rates of change are based on the production index for the manufacturing sector. The average result in 2015 is used as the basis for the index and is set at 100 index points (2015 = 100). Seasonal and calendar adjustment was performed using the X13 JDemetra+ method.

The five branches referred to here as energy-intensive have particularly high energy demands in relation to their gross value added. In the reference year of 2020, they together accounted for 76% of total industrial energy consumption. Their proportion of industrial gross value added stood at 21%. In 2020, just under one million people (935,000) were employed in the more than 7,000 industrial establishments of these branches in Germany. Information on the energy-intensive industrial branches is now available as of January 2005.

More information:

Basic data and long time series on the production index in industry can be found in the table Indizes der Produktion (42153-0001) in the GENESIS-Online database.

A dossier on the Short-term indicators page of the Federal Statistical Office's website provides an analysis of the relationship between material shortages, new orders, production and prices in industry. Detailed information on production in energy-intensive industrial branches is available on the Industry, manufacturing page.

The production index is available also in the Dashboard Germany ( (only in german). This data portal of the Federal Statistical Office combines up-to-date indicators of official statistics and from other data providers on the topics of economy and finance as well as health and mobility. A tool also available there is the Economic Pulse Monitor (Pulsmesser für die Wirtschaft) (only in german). It can be used for real-time monitoring of the economic development.

Russia’s attack on Ukraine and the related sanctions have an impact on many parts of the economy and society. We have compiled data and information on the subject for you on a special webpage (only in german).

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