Press Truck toll mileage index in December 2022: -4.9% on the previous month

Press release No. 009 of 9 January 2023

Truck toll mileage index, December 2022
-4.9% on the previous month (calendar and seasonally adjusted)
-6.1% on the same month a year earlier (calendar adjusted)

KÖLN/WIESBADEN – The Federal Logistics and Mobility Office (BALM) and the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) report that the mileage covered by trucks with four or more axles, which are subject to toll charges, on German motorways decreased by a calendar and seasonally adjusted 4.9% in December 2022 compared with November 2022. This was the largest decrease since the slump in mileage recorded in April 2020 as a consequence of the Covid pandemic. The calendar adjusted truck toll mileage index was down 6.1% on December 2021. Truck mileage on motorways provides early information on the current economic development in the industry. Reasons for the marked decrease in December 2022 are probably the onset of winter and high rates of sickness absence.




More information:

The monthly results of the truck toll mileage index can be found in the GENESIS-Online database in Tables 42191-0001 (truck toll mileage index for Germany), 42191-0010 (truck toll mileage index for the Länder) and 42191-0002 (truck toll index for cross-border journeys), on the Short-term indicators pages and in the Business Cycle Monitor of the Federal Statistical Office.

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