Press Benefits for asylum seekers, 2021: number of people entitled to benefits up 4.3%

Press release No. 555 of 21 December 2022

  • Approximately 399,000 people received standard benefits for asylum seekers at the end of 2021
  • A third of the recipients were minors
  • The most frequent countries of origin of the recipients were Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria

WIESBADEN – At the end of 2021, roughly 399,000 people in Germany received standard benefits in accordance with the Act on Benefits for Asylum Seekers (AsylbLG). The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the number of recipients increased by 4.3%, or 17,000, compared with 2020. That was the first increase in the number of recipients of standard benefits since 2015.

Basic data and long time series are available in table Recipients of standard benefits for asylum seekers (22221) in the GENESIS-Online database.

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