Press Causes of death statistics 2021: 7% of all deaths directly due to Covid-19

Press release No. 544 of 16 December 2022

  • Covid-19 diagnosed as underlying cause of death of 71,331 deceased
  • Cardiovascular diseases still most frequent cause of death (34% of all cases)

WIESBADEN – A total of 1,023,687 people died in Germany in 2021 according to final results of causes of death statistics; 515,559 of them were men and 508,128 women. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the number of deaths rose by 3.9% compared with the previous year (2020: 985,572 deceased). A total of 71,331 people died in Germany of Covid-19 as the underlying cause of death in 2021, which was an increase by 79% year on year (2020: 39,758). Covid-19 thus was the decisive cause of death in 7.0% of the cases.

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